
Game Overview
StarCraft impresses primarily with the epic scope of its plot. The trivial at first glance, the investigation of the problems of earthly colonists on a distant planet very soon makes several unexpected turns, and two completely unique races, pursuing their own goals, are organically woven into history. What deserves special respect is the study of the main characters. You are guaranteed not to forget the intrigues weaving around the heroes and their unique characters - the directness and honesty of Marshal Raynor, the diabolical cunning of Sarah Carrigan, the nobility and courage of the Phoenix, the patriotic sacrifice of Tassadar ... The list goes on. In the Starcraft universe, they even write books. And I must say, not in vain. So what is the gameplay? The developers did not philosophize slyly and went along the already well-trodden road in WarCraft - first of all, the player needs to lay the foundation for creating his army, for which it is necessary to arrange the extraction of resources and provide their soldiers with food. You won’t have to bother yourself with these activities - dexterous workers will do everything themselves, just give them a goal. However, as with any real strategy, the base is of paramount importance, and you often have to choose what to sacrifice in order to defeat the enemy faster: one mission should pay more attention to aviation and artillery from the very beginning, while the other will require the rapid creation of defense systems and strengthen protection. StarCraft is notable for the fact that all three races really do not repeat each other in anything. People, or, as they are often called, terrans (from "Terra" - "Earth"), are quite familiar - the most that space infantrymen, robots and tanks. But the other two sides - zerg and protoss - are one more beautiful. The former are enormous insect-like creatures controlled by a higher mind from another planet. Even their buildings themselves breathe and bleed if enemies begin to shred them to pieces. Protoss are ultra-high-tech creatures that find it easier to teleport ready-made structures from their home planet than to build them in place. Battle tactics vary widely: Terrans use technology mixed with trained troops, Zerg prefer to crush masses, Protoss like to deliver precise, but very strong strikes, trying to minimize losses. Of great importance is the use of the terrain - a tank that is successfully located on an inaccessible hill will spread half of the enemy’s army even at the far approaches to the base. And, of course, the skillful use of the special abilities of your soldiers can always shift the scales during the battle in your direction. Gallant terrans, when it gets hot, will inject themselves with a cube of adrenaline and rush at the enemy with tripled strength. While the zerg just burrow underground, and the protoss go to the base to restore the protective force fields ... you will have to participate in large-scale battles, with armies of up to two hundred units at the same time, and in small skirmishes and covert operations, leading an inconspicuous detachment in the bowels base of opponents. Hardcore RTS players will undoubtedly be pleased with a carefully calibrated and honed balance - the tactics of the "big frame" cease to save you after the first training tasks. And as shown by the time-tested and still very popular multiplayer - the game provides boundless possibilities for choosing tactics. Well - Blizzard does not create mediocrity. The most daring strategic decisions are easily implemented, and often it is the unusual tactics that ensure victory. I would also like to mention the map editor. It provides extensive opportunities for sculpting your own full-fledged campaigns and individual missions. In fact, everything that you see during the passage of the game can be recreated with your own hands. At the same time, the editor is very easy to learn, as evidenced by tens of thousands of additional cards, surfing the Internet. Much can be said about this incredible, addictive game, but one thing I can say with complete certainty - not a single person who is ever keen on strategies should miss this creation.
Game Instructions
StarCraft impresses primarily with the epic scope of its plot. The trivial at first glance, the investigation of the problems of earthly colonists on a distant planet very soon makes several unexpected turns, and two completely unique races, pursuing their own goals, are organically woven into history. What deserves special respect is the study of the main characters. You are guaranteed not to forget the intrigues weaving around the heroes and their unique characters - the directness and honesty of Marshal Raynor, the diabolical cunning of Sarah Carrigan, the nobility and courage of the Phoenix, the patriotic sacrifice of Tassadar ... The list goes on. In the Starcraft universe, they even write books. And I must say, not in vain. So what is the gameplay? The developers did not philosophize slyly and went along the already well-trodden road in WarCraft - first of all, the player needs to lay the foundation for creating his army, for which it is necessary to arrange the extraction of resources and provide their soldiers with food. You won’t have to bother yourself with these activities - dexterous workers will do everything themselves, just give them a goal. However, as with any real strategy, the base is of paramount importance, and you often have to choose what to sacrifice in order to defeat the enemy faster: one mission should pay more attention to aviation and artillery from the very beginning, while the other will require the rapid creation of defense systems and strengthen protection. StarCraft is notable for the fact that all three races really do not repeat each other in anything. People, or, as they are often called, terrans (from "Terra" - "Earth"), are quite familiar - the most that space infantrymen, robots and tanks. But the other two sides - zerg and protoss - are one more beautiful. The former are enormous insect-like creatures controlled by a higher mind from another planet. Even their buildings themselves breathe and bleed if enemies begin to shred them to pieces. Protoss are ultra-high-tech creatures that find it easier to teleport ready-made structures from their home planet than to build them in place. Battle tactics vary widely: Terrans use technology mixed with trained troops, Zerg prefer to crush masses, Protoss like to deliver precise, but very strong strikes, trying to minimize losses. Of great importance is the use of the terrain - a tank that is successfully located on an inaccessible hill will spread half of the enemy’s army even at the far approaches to the base. And, of course, the skillful use of the special abilities of your soldiers can always shift the scales during the battle in your direction. Gallant terrans, when it gets hot, will inject themselves with a cube of adrenaline and rush at the enemy with tripled strength. While the zerg just burrow underground, and the protoss go to the base to restore the protective force fields ... you will have to participate in large-scale battles, with armies of up to two hundred units at the same time, and in small skirmishes and covert operations, leading an inconspicuous detachment in the bowels base of opponents. Hardcore RTS players will undoubtedly be pleased with a carefully calibrated and honed balance - the tactics of the "big frame" cease to save you after the first training tasks. And as shown by the time-tested and still very popular multiplayer - the game provides boundless possibilities for choosing tactics. Well - Blizzard does not create mediocrity. The most daring strategic decisions are easily implemented, and often it is the unusual tactics that ensure victory. I would also like to mention the map editor. It provides extensive opportunities for sculpting your own full-fledged campaigns and individual missions. In fact, everything that you see during the passage of the game can be recreated with your own hands. At the same time, the editor is very easy to learn, as evidenced by tens of thousands of additional cards, surfing the Internet. Much can be said about this incredible, addictive game, but one thing I can say with complete certainty - not a single person who is ever keen on strategies should miss this creation.
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